Saturday, January 13, 2007

The islands in the Middle of the pacific

There are very few places on earth today where nature is left to its own devices. Humans have interfered everywhere and have changed dramatically the natural environment we use to live in. the Galapagos islands because, or rather thanks to their remoteness and the prohibitive cost of getting there have been preserved to a certain extent . the Fauna is still living in 'wild conditions' and visitors are very careful not to disturb the animals some of which are 200 years old..The preservation of theses species as well as these volcanic islands is paramount. The Charles Darwin research station  works very hard to conserve and help the species on the islands such as the land iguanas and the giant tortoises. They breed them and then release them in the wild. I have also met a dutch scientist who was traveling on the same boat and had the chance to have a first hand explanation on all the animal we were seeing .
If you ever have the chance to go to the Galapagos please help the foundation and most importantly do not leave anything behind but your footprint !


Anonymous said...

ravi de t'avoir rencontré enfin via le Net !
Une joie ce téléphone!

Te voilà passée du stade TOURISTE, à celui de VOYAGEUR, et bientôt GRAND VOYAGEUR puis enfin EXPLORATRICE au Vietnam en vélo par exemple!

T'es géniale et je t'adore!

@ très bientôt au CIGV

Anonymous said...

Au risque de me répéter j'ai eu un immense plaisir à bavarder avec toi aujourd'hui!

Une journée à marquer d'une belle croix blanche sur la route et lacets des voyageurs!

NB. Le 5e QUIZ CIGV est déjà online et je pense que tu peux facilement répondre